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Import predefined variations and price

After testing import our catalogue on my WooCommerce website, I see you don't importe predefined variations and price. In fact, if we want to import our catalogue in Google Shopping / Facebook Shopping or orther we can't.

Reimport images

Hello, After test of your product I have issue with image import. Can I reimport image with not delete product ?

Connection to google merchant via plugin

Hello, me again. We have now launched our online printshop using HelloPrint connect and would like to be able to use google ads through the google merchant plugin to promote our print items through google shopping. I've setup google shopping/merchant correctly, it is linked to the website (I've done this lots of times for other normal ecom sites) However I think because of how the helloprint connect plugin brings in products to woo commerce there is no option to enable google shopping. On a normal product (Read, made entirely within woo commerce) the option is there to sync products to google, but on HelloPrint products this option isn't there. Is there any way to enable this, or is it just not possible?

Is it possible to enable shipping to Spain?

hello! We have just setup our print store using the helloprint plugin on WP and WC along with our design business using HelloprintConnect. We have a potential order from a festival but as they're based in Spain and we are in the UK using the UK version of connect, we want to know if it is possible to enable shipping to Spain? If so, how do we go about doing this and is there a way to enable the use of a Spanish printers in our account? I would also like to know how this would work technically, do we enable shipping on Spanish only products? The shipping and VAT is currently included so this would be slightly complicated to setup. Thanks in advance

All do not work after selecting any product options

Hi When I select a product options on this website <https://childcaremarketingstore.com/product/helloprint-product/> We cannot select any other options, Everything looks broken. Please help us on this website

Set fixed Margin, not with %

Hello, I am building my webshop but I have a question about pricing. I can set a Global Margin % on my prices but I want to set a Global margin fixes amout price. So for example: With 50% margin 10 pieces - 100 (buy price) becomes 150 (sell price) 100 pieces - 1000 (buy price) becomes 1500 (sell price) But I want to add a fixed price, so for example 100 10 pieces - 100 (buy price) should become 200 (sell price) 1000 pieces - 1000 (buy price) should become 1100 (sell price) So verry simple, add 100 to my buying prices to get sell prices. Thanks

Importing products

Hi Guys When importing products the import just fails and does not import anything. I have tried this on different hosts and servers. All with good ram and resources. I have also tried on different browsers incase it was a bug with the browser making it hang. I have tried importing 1 product, a few and over 10. Still same issue. Does anyone else get this issue.

Artwork/File check process

What are the steps involved in verifying or examining an artwork or file using this particular API?

Im Tired

When i add bulk product I get 1000 email Bulk Import Completed! Please check this error.

Error price

Hello, I have the hello print plugin for woocommerce. The prices I get on my product page and when I add to cart are different, can you help me please?